A warm and welcoming space hosts two people to reacquire the memory of relaxation favoring postural and energy rebalancing treatments with operators of extraordinary skills, combined with a water and steam space of the Hammam inspired by Arab culture of body wash pampered by chrome and aroma therapy
Volcanic minerals with different properties: toning, draining, antioxidant, venotropic and lipolytic, electrically pre-charged to act on the electrons of the cells, putting them back in motion, ensuring greater effectiveness of the treatment in the hammam space.
Steam treatment at different temperatures
with an operator who washes the body
with Argan black soap and scrub with original glove disposable morocco to prepare the skin
to a lasting tan with a silky effect
for perfect transpiration and perspiration.
Alternatively sitting in the Hammam at different temperatures to purify and detoxify body and mind.
Massage teaches you to take care of yourself.
We started building and defining a space and a time in which to take care of ourselves and our needs. "Taking care of yourself" is a fundamental concept for our mind-body-emotions system to be in balance.
Moroccan ghassoul, the ancient natural clay of the Chorfa Al Akhdar brand.
This ancient clay has been used for many generations for hair and body care.
Absorbs all the oil and dirt without hurting the skin. Helps the hair not greasy and adds shine and texture.
It does not contain surfactants, so the wash is 100% natural and healthy for the hair.
Session of heat and steam at high temperatures chilled with cold water for training blood vessels and strengthening the immune system supported by vitamin C and mineral supplementation.
The thousand properties of Argan oil make it the perfect product for those who pay particular attention to the beauty of skin and hair.
Discover the multiple treatments we offer combined with this precious oil.
Massaggio Relax Total Body per rilassare muscoli e nervi
1 hr
50 eurosRichiesta zona da trattare: schiena, addome, gambe, braccia, viso
25 min
20 eurosMassaggio Relax Total Body in puro olio d'Argan
1 hr
70 eurosMassaggio a zone con olio puro d'argan: schiena, addome, gambe, viso
30 min
30 eurosAffina la silhouette e mantieni la tua pelle soda ed elastica
1 hr
50 eurosIl massaggio drena i liquidi dalle zone del corpo dove essi ristagnano
1 hr
50 eurosManipol. che riattiva la circolaz. linfatica, riduce edemi e cellulite
1 hr
70 eurosMassagio Relax parziale in olio d'argan, praticato in Hammam
30 min
65 eurosTrattam. a zona Drenan., venotropo, tonifican., antiossid., lipolitico
30 min
50 eurosFinitura in olio d'argan puro su tutto il corpo al fine di un trattam.
15 min
20 eurosMassaggio Relax Totale in olio d'argan, praticato in Hammam
1 hr
95 eurosPortura parziale in olio d'argan praticata in Hammam
30 min
90 eurosPostura Totale in olio d'argan praticata in Hammam
1 hr
130 eurosTrattam con Sospensioni Vulcaniche total body in Hammam e light buffet
1 hr 30 min
100 eurosComprensivo di Kit asciugamani, accessori monouso e light buffet
1 hr
45 eurosComprensivo di: kit acc. monouso, sapone nero, guanto scrub marocchino
1 hr 30 min
80 euros