BodyCool: Beauty and Relaxation
is an innovative study of Wellness, Beauty and Postural Energetic Rebalancing which makes use of specialists in the field of body care with classic and advanced techniques, using modern technologies.
BodyCool was born from the idea of redesigning one's lifestyle in a fashionable "Body", offering you total psychophysical attention at 360°.
At the end ofWell being the BodyCool study will investigate with the most advanced technologies to offer you a targeted dietary, nutraceutical and probiotic integration by strengthening the immune system as a prevention to recover and maintain health, improving the quality of life.
We will take care of theBeautiful being with the most advanced techniques on blemishes with visible results from the first treatment, decorating your appearance for a right approach in society
In the Spa we will pay particular attention toPostural Energy Rebalancing, releasing the fundamental energies to harmonize the body with the osteopathic and holistic techniques of traditional medicine
BodyCool offers our customers a 360° service, in addition to Wellness, Bellessere and Energy Rebalancing, it also advises you on Aesthetic Surgery with Exclusive Partners! BodyCool was born as a wellness center intended to feel good with your body, in this regard we offer you our collaboration with the "Natural Clinic" clinic in Turkey organizing the visit, consultancy, estimate, booking, travel and post-operation to ensure that your dream comes true.. All this at a more than competitive price!
A targeted integration of Italian nutraceuticals certified by the Ministry of Health suitable for vegans, celiacs and diabetics to feed with phytoactive le cells of our metabolism, combined with professional probiotics, for rebalance the intestinal microbiota in order to strengthen the immune system by stimulating the body's innate self-care.
With the adoption of this technique the aim is to know the causes of the problem so as to facilitate its disappearance
of the related symptomatological manifestation. Issues that require such treatment:pproblems of an osteo-myo-articular nature, lombalgia, cervicalgia, achanges in posture, epicondylitis, scarpal tunnel syndrome, acufeni epproblems of a traumatic-sporting nature:
smuscle pulls etcleave.